청구기호 |
QA76.758 .B725 2012 |
형태사항 |
1 electronic text (xv, 166 p.) : ill., digital file.
언어 |
English |
일반주기 |
Part of: Synthesis digital library of engineering and computer science.
Series from website.
서지주기 |
Includes bibliographical references (p. 159-164).
내용 |
1. Introduction -- 1.1 Purpose and use of models -- 1.2 Modeling for software development -- 1.3 How to read this book --
2. MDSE principles -- 2.1 MDSE basics -- 2.2 Lost in acronyms: the MD* jungle -- 2.3 Overview of the MDSE methodology -- 2.4 MDSE adoption in industry -- 2.5 Tool support -- 2.6 Criticisms of MDSE --
3. MDSE use cases -- 3.1 Automating software development -- 3.2 System interoperability -- 3.3 Reverse engineering --
4. Model-driven architecture (MDA) -- 4.1 MDA definitions and assumptions -- 4.2 The modeling levels: CIM, PIM, PSM -- 4.3 Mappings -- 4.4 General-purpose and domain-specific languages in MDA -- 4.5 Architecture-driven modernization --
5. Integration of MDSE in your development process -- 5.1 Introducing MDSE in your software development process -- 5.2 Traditional development processes and MDSE -- 5.3 Agile and MDSE -- 5.4 Domain-driven design and MDSE -- 5.5 Test-driven development and MDSE --
6. Modeling languages at a glance -- 6.1 Anatomy of modeling languages -- 6.2 General-purpose vs. domain-specific modeling languages -- 6.3 General-purpose modeling: the case of UML -- 6.4 UML extensibility: the middle way between GPL and DSL -- 6.5 Overview on DSLs -- 6.6 Defining modeling constraints (OCL) --
7. Developing your own modeling language -- 7.1 Metamodel-centric language design -- 7.2 Example DSML: sWML -- 7.3 Abstract syntax development -- 7.4 Concrete syntax development --
8. Model-to-model transformations -- 8.1 Model transformations and their classification -- 8.2 Exogenous, out-place transformations -- 8.3 Endogenous, in-place transformations -- 8.4 Mastering model transformations --
9. Model-to-text transformations -- 9.1 Basics of model-driven code generation -- 9.2 Code generation through programming languages -- 9.3 Code generation through M2T transformation languages -- 9.4 Mastering code generation -- 9.5 Excursus: code generation through M2M transformations and TCS --
10. Managing models -- 10.1 Model interchange -- 10.2 Model persistence -- 10.3 Model comparison -- 10.4 Model versioning -- 10.5 Model co-evolution -- 10.6 Global model management -- 10.7 Model quality -- 10.7.1 Verifying models --
11. Summary -- Bibliography -- Authors' biographies.
주제 |
Software engineering.
Computer programming --Computer simulation.
Model-integrated computing.
software engineering
domain-specific language
model-driven engineering
code generation
reverse engineering
model transformation
9781608458837 (electronic bk.)
기타 표준번호 |
10.2200/S00441ED1V01Y201208SWE001 |