International encyclopedia of human geography [electronic resource]
서명 / 저자 International encyclopedia of human geography [electronic resource] / editors-in-chief, Rob Kitchin, Nigel Thrift.
발행사항 Amterdam ; London ; Oxford : Elsevier, ?009.
Online Access https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/referenceworks/9780080449104URL


청구기호 GF4
형태사항 1 online resource.
언어 English
서지주기 Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용 v. 1. Activism -- Activist Geographies -- Actor-Network Theory/Network Geographies -- Affect -- Africa -- Ageing and Health -- Ageing and Mobility -- Ageism and Age -- Agglomeration -- Agoraphobia -- Agrarian Transformations -- Agricultural Land Preservation -- Agriculture, Sustainable -- Agri-Environmentalism and Rural Change -- Aid -- Am?nagement du Territoire: Territorial Development -- Americas -- Anarchism/Anarchist Geography -- Anglo-American/Anglophone Hegemony -- Animal Geographies -- Animal Welfare, Agricultural -- Antarctica -- Anthropogeography (After Ratzel) -- Anthropology and Human Geography -- Anti-Geopolitics -- Anti-Urbanism -- Apartheid/Post-Apartheid -- Applied Geography -- Archives -- Arctic -- Art and Cartography -- Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems -- Asia -- Atlases -- Australasia -- Autobiography -- Autoethnography -- Auto-Photography -- Avant-Garde/Avant-Garde Geographies -- Aviation -- Balkans -- Barnes, T. -- Beaujeu-Garnier, J. -- Becoming -- Behavioral Geography -- Belonging -- Berkeley School -- Berry, B. -- Biodiversity -- Biodiversity Mapping -- Biopolitics -- Bobek, H. -- Body, The -- Borderlands -- Bowman, I. -- Brain Drain -- Brandt Commission -- Brown Agenda -- Buffer Zone -- Business Services -- Capital and Space -- Capitalism -- Capitalism and Division of Labor -- Care/Caregiving -- Cartographic Animation -- Cartography in Islamic Societies -- Cartography, History of -- Case Study Approach -- Cassa per il Mezzogiorno -- Categorical Data Analysis. v. 2. Cellular Automata -- Census Geography -- Census Mapping -- Central Business District -- Central Place Theory -- Chaos and Complexity -- Chicago School -- Child Labor -- Children and Mapping -- Children/Childhood -- Chinese Urbanism -- Chinese-Language Geography -- Choice Modeling -- Christaller, W. -- Christian Geography -- Chronic Disease -- Citation Geography -- Citizenship -- Citizenship and Governmentality, Rural -- City Marketing -- City-Region -- Civil Society -- Claval, P. -- Climate Change -- Cloke, P. -- Cognitive Geography -- Cohen, S. -- Cold War -- Colonialism I -- Colonialism II -- Colonialism, Internal -- Color, Mapping -- Commodity Chains -- Communicable Diseases, Globalization of -- Communist and Post-Communist Geographies -- Community -- Competitiveness -- Complementary and Alternative Medicine -- Complexity Theory, Nonlinear Dynamic Spatial Systems -- Computational Human Geography -- Concentrated Deconcentration -- Conservation and Ecology -- Consumption -- Content Analysis -- Corbridge, S. -- Core-Periphery Models -- Corporate Responsibilities -- Corridor and Axis Development -- Cosgrove, D. -- Cosmopolitanism -- Counter-Mapping -- Counterurbanization -- Cox, K. -- Creativity -- Crime/Fear of Crime -- Critical Cartography -- Critical Geography -- Critical Geopolitics -- Critical GIS -- Critical Rationalism (After Popper) -- Critical Realism/Critical Realist Geographies -- Critical Theory (After Habermas) -- Cross-Cultural Research -- Cultural Capital -- Cultural Economy -- Cultural Geography -- Cultural Materialism -- Cultural Politics -- Cultural Studies and Human Geography -- Cultural Turn -- Culture -- Culture/Natures -- Cumulative Causation -- Cyberspace/Cyberculture. v. 3. Darby, H.C. -- Darwinism (and Social Darwinism) -- Dear, M.J. -- Debt -- Deconstruction -- Defensible Space -- Deforestation -- De-Industrialization -- De-Localization -- Democracy -- Demography -- Dependency -- Desertification -- Determinism/Environmental Determinism -- Development I -- Development II -- Developmentalism -- Devolution -- Dialectical Reasoning and Dialectical Materialism -- Dialogism (After Bakhtin) -- Diaries (Video, Audio or Written) -- Diaspora -- Dicken, P. -- Difference/Politics of Difference -- Diffusion -- Digital Data, Historical Geography and -- Digital Divide -- Digital Earth -- Disability and Chronic Illness -- Discourse -- Discourse Analysis -- Disease Diffusion -- Disease Mapping -- Distance -- Dudley Stamp, L. -- Dutch Human Geography -- Dwelling -- East Asian Miracle -- East/West -- e-Business and e-Commerce -- Ecological Fallacy -- Ecology -- Economic Crises -- Economic Development, Rural -- Economic Geography -- Economic Geography, Quantitative -- Economics and Human Geography -- Economies, Alternative -- Economies, Borderland -- Economies, Branch Plant -- Economies, Imagined -- Economy, Informal -- Ecotourism -- Edge Cities -- Edge Effects -- Education -- Electoral Cartography -- Electoral Districts -- Electoral Geography -- Embeddedness -- Embodied Knowing -- Emigration -- Emotional Geographies -- Emotional Knowing -- Empire -- Empowerment -- Enlightenment Geography -- Enterprise Discourse -- Entrepreneurship -- Entropy-Maximising Models -- Environment -- Environment, Historical Geography of -- Environmental Hazards -- Environmental Health -- Environmental Justice -- Environmental Policy -- Environmental Regulation -- Environmental Security -- Environmental Studies and Human Geography -- Environmentalism -- Epidemiological Transition -- Equity -- Error (Propagation and Modeling) -- Ethical Issues in Research -- Ethnic Conflict -- Ethnic Economies -- Ethnicity -- Ethnicity and Resistance, Historical Geographies of -- Ethnography -- Ethnomethodology/Ethnomethodological Geography -- Eurocentrism -- Europe -- Europe of Regions -- Evans, E.E. -- Evolutionary Algorithms -- Existentialism/Existential Geography -- Experimental Design -- Exploration -- Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis -- Export Processing Zones -- Extended Metropolitan Region. v. 4. Factor Analysis and Principal-Components Analysis -- Fair Trade -- Famine -- Fatherland/Homeland -- Feminism and Work -- Feminism, Maps and GIS -- Feminism/Feminist Geography -- Feminist Geography, Prehistory of -- Feminist Groups within Geography -- Feminist Methodologies -- Feminist Political Economy -- Fertility -- Festival and Spectacle -- Feudalism and Feudal Society -- Field Geographies -- Field Systems and Enclosure -- Fieldwork -- Film -- Finance, Historical Geographies of -- Finance, Offshore -- Financial Centers, International -- Financial Exclusion -- Financial Knowledge -- Financial Risks and Management -- Firms -- First Law of Geography -- First World -- Fl?neur, the -- Fluidity-Fixity -- Focus Groups -- Food Networks -- Food Networks, Alternative -- Food Regimes -- Fordism -- Fordism, Post-Fordism and Flexible Specialization -- Foreign Direct Investment -- Foucauldianism -- Fractal Analysis -- Francophone Geography -- Functionalism (Including Structural Functionalism) -- Fuzzy Set and Fuzzy Logic -- Gardens and Gardening -- Garrison, W. -- Gated Communities/Privatopias -- Gay Geographies -- Gender and Health -- Gender and Rurality -- Gender in the City -- Gender, Historical Geographies of -- Genealogy and Family History -- Genealogy Method -- Generalization -- Genetics -- Gentrification -- Gentrification, Rural -- Geocomputation -- Geodemographics -- Geodesy -- Geographical Journals -- Geographical Masking -- Geographically Weighted Regression -- Geography, History of -- Geohistory -- Geomatics -- Geopolitics -- Geopolitics and Religion -- Georeferencing, Geocoding -- Geospatial Intelligence -- Geovisualization -- German-Language Geography -- Gerrymandering -- Ghettos -- GIS and Cartography -- GIS and Society -- GIS, Mobile and Locational Based Services -- GIS, Public Participation -- GIScience and Systems -- Global Commodity Chains -- Global Positioning/GPS -- Global Production Networks -- Globalization and Transnational Corporations -- Globalization, Cultural -- Globalization, Economic -- Golledge, R. -- Gottmann, J. -- Governance -- Governance, Corporate -- Governance, Good -- Governance, Transport -- Governance, Urban -- Governmentality -- Green Revolution -- Greenfield Development -- Gregory, D. -- Grounded Theory -- Growth Poles, Growth Centers. v. 5. Habitus -- Hagerstrand, T. -- Haggett, P. -- Haptic or Touch-Based Knowledge -- Harley, J.B. -- Hartshorne, R. -- Harvey, D. -- Health and Development -- Health Geography -- Health Inequalities -- Health Services Restructuring -- Health Systems and Health Services -- Healthcare Accessibility -- Hegemony -- Heritage -- Heritage and Culture -- Heritage and Economy -- Heritage and Identity -- Heteronormativity -- Hettner, A. -- High-Tech Industry -- Hinterland Development -- Historical Geographies, Rural -- Historical Geographies, Urban -- Historical Geography -- Historical Geography, Evolution of -- Historical-Geographical Materialism -- HIV/AIDS in Developed Countries -- HIV/AIDS in Developing Countries -- Home -- Homelessness -- Homelessness, Rural -- Housing -- Housing, Neighbourhoods and Health -- Housing, Rural -- Hub Network Location -- Human Geography -- Human Rights -- Humanism/Humanistic Geography -- Human-Nonhuman -- Hybridity -- Hypothesis Testing -- Idealism/Idealist Human Geography -- Identity and Otherness, Rural -- Identity Politics -- Ideology -- Immigration I -- Immigration II -- Imperial Cities -- Imperialism, Cultural -- Imperialistic Geographies -- Indian Ocean -- Indigeneity -- Indigenous Geographies -- Indigenous Health and Medicine -- Indigenous Knowledges -- Indigenous Mapping -- Industrial City -- Industrial District -- Industrial Location -- Industrial Organization -- Industrial Parks -- Industrial Restructuring -- Industrialization -- Industry, Historical Geographies of -- Inequality -- Informal Sector -- Informalization -- Information Graphics -- Information Technology -- Informational City -- Innovation -- Input-Output Analysis -- Institutionalism/Institutional Geographies -- Integrated Spatial Data Infrastructure -- Intensive/Extensive Research -- Interdisciplinarity -- Intermediate Technology -- Intermodality -- International Organizations -- Internationalization of Education -- Internet, Economic Geography -- Internet/Web Mapping -- Internet-Based Measurement -- Interviews: In-Depth, Semi-Structured -- Investment Promotion -- Irredentism -- Islamic Urbanism -- Island Development -- Italian Language Geography -- Ivy League and Geography in the US. Habitus -- Hagerstrand, T. -- Haggett, P. -- Haptic or Touch-Based Knowledge -- Harley, J.B. -- Hartshorne, R. -- Harvey, D. -- Health and Development -- Health Geography -- Health Inequalities -- Health Services Restructuring -- Health Systems and Health Services -- Healthcare Accessibility -- Hegemony -- Heritage -- Heritage and Culture -- Heritage and Economy -- Heritage and Identity -- Heteronormativity -- Hettner, A. -- High-Tech Industry -- Hinterland Development -- Historical Geographies, Rural -- Historical Geographies, Urban -- Historical Geography -- Historical Geography, Evolution of -- Historical-Geographical Materialism -- HIV/AIDS in Developed Countries -- HIV/AIDS in Developing Countries -- Home -- Homelessness -- Homelessness, Rural -- Housing -- Housing, Neighbourhoods and Health -- Housing, Rural -- Hub Network Location -- Human Geography -- Human Rights -- Humanism/Humanistic Geography -- Human-Nonhuman -- Hybridity -- Hypothesis Testing -- Idealism/Idealist Human Geography -- Identity and Otherness, Rural -- Identity Politics -- Ideology -- Immigration I -- Immigration II -- Imperial Cities -- Imperialism, Cultural -- Imperialistic Geographies -- Indian Ocean -- Indigeneity -- Indigenous Geographies -- Indigenous Health and Medicine -- Indigenous Knowledges -- Indigenous Mapping -- Industrial City -- Industrial District -- Industrial Location -- Industrial Organization -- Industrial Parks -- Industrial Restructuring -- Industrialization -- Industry, Historical Geographies of -- Inequality -- Informal Sector -- Informalization -- Information Graphics -- Information Technology -- Informational City -- Innovation -- Input-Output Analysis -- Institutionalism/Institutional Geographies -- Integrated Spatial Data Infrastructure -- Intensive/Extensive Research -- Interdisciplinarity -- Intermediate Technology -- Intermodality -- International Organizations -- Internationalization of Education -- Internet, Economic Geography -- Internet/Web Mapping -- Internet-Based Measurement -- Interviews: In-Depth, Semi-Structured -- Investment Promotion -- Irredentism -- Islamic Urbanism -- Island Development -- Italian Language Geography -- Ivy League and Geography in the US. v. 6. Jackson, P. -- Japanese Geography -- Johnston, R.J. -- Knowledge and Education, Historical Geographies of -- Knowledge Communities -- Knowledge Economy -- Knowledge Intensive Business Services -- Kolossov, V. -- Kriging and Variogram Models -- Krop?tkin, P. -- Labor Control Regime -- Labor Flexibility -- Labor Geography -- Labor Market -- Labor Markets, Regional -- Labor Unionism -- Lacoste, Y. -- Lamarck(ian)ism -- Land Change Science -- Land Rent Theory -- Land Rights -- Landscape -- Landscape Iconography -- Landscape Perception -- Language -- Language and Research -- Latin American Structuralist School -- Law and Law Enforcement -- Learning Regions -- Leisure -- Lesbian Geographies -- Ley, D. -- Liberalism -- Life Course Approaches -- Literature -- Livelihoods -- Local Development -- Local Economic Development -- Local Economic Development, Politics of -- Local-Global -- Locality Debates -- Location Analysis -- Location Theory -- Logistics -- Longitudinal Methods (Cohort Analysis, Life Tables) -- Los Angeles School of Post-Modern Urbanism -- Lowenthal, D. -- Lusophone Geography -- Mackinder, H.J. -- Malls/Retail Parks -- Map Hacking -- Map Interactivity -- Map Libraries and Archives -- Map Perception and Cognition -- Map Types -- Mapping Agencies -- Mapping, Commercial -- Mapping, Cyberspace -- Mapping, Distributed -- Mapping, Non-Western -- Mapping, Philosophy -- Mapping, Race and Ethnicity -- Mapping, Topographic -- Maps -- Maps and Governance -- Maps and Protest -- Maps and the State -- Markov Chain Analysis -- Marxism/Marxist Geography I -- Marxism/Marxist Geography II -- Masculinism -- Masculinities -- Massey, D. -- Material Culture -- Material, The -- McDowell, L. v. 7. Media -- Medical Geography -- Medieval Geography -- Medieval Historical Geographies -- Mega-Cities -- Meinig, D. -- Memorials and Monuments -- Memory -- Mental Health -- Mental Maps -- M?tropole D'?quilibre -- Middle East and North Africa -- Migrant Workers -- Migration -- Migration, Historical Geographies of -- Military and Geography -- Military Geographies -- Mixed and Multiple Methods -- Mobility -- Mobility, History of Everyday -- Modern City -- Modernity -- Modernization Theory -- Modifiable Areal Unit Problem -- Monte Carlo Simulation -- Moral Economies -- Moral Landscapes -- Movies and Films, Analysis of -- Multicultural City -- Multiculturalism -- Multidimensional Scaling -- Nation -- National Parks -- National Schools of Geography -- National Spatialities -- Nationalism -- Nationalism, Historical Geography of -- Natural Resources -- Naturalistic Testing -- Nature -- Nature, Historical Geographies of -- Nature, History of -- Nature, Performing -- Nature, Social -- Nature-Culture -- Natures, Charismatic -- Natures, Gendered -- Natures, Postcolonial -- Neighborhood Change -- Neighborhood Effects -- Neighborhoods and Community -- Neocolonialism -- Neoliberal Economic Strategies -- Neoliberalism -- Neoliberalism and Development -- Neoliberalism, Urban -- Network Analysis -- Network Regions -- Networks -- Networks, Urban -- Neural Networks -- New Regionalism -- New Towns -- New Urbanism -- Nimby -- Nongovernmental Organizations -- Non-Representational Theory/Non-Representational Geographies -- Nordic Geography -- Nordplan and Nordregio -- North-South. v. 8. Oceania -- Oceanographic Mapping -- Oceans -- Olsson, G. -- Oral History -- Oral History, Ecological -- Orientalism -- Other/Otherness -- Overlay (in GIS) -- Oxbridge Geographies -- Paasi, A. -- Pacific Rim -- Parenting/Motherhood/Fatherhood -- Participant Observation -- Participation -- Participatory Action Research -- Participatory Video -- Patriarchy -- Peasant Agriculture -- Peet, R. -- People's Geography -- Performance, Research as -- Performative and Embodied Mapping -- Performativity -- Phenomenology/Phenomenological Geography -- Philosophy and Human Geography -- Photogrammetry/Aerial Photography -- Photographs -- Physical Geography and Human Geography -- Place -- Place Names -- Place, Politics of -- Planning, Urban -- Plant Geographies -- Point Pattern Analysis -- Policing -- Political Boundaries -- Political Ecology -- Political Economy, Geographical -- Political Geography -- Political Representation -- Polycentricity -- Polyvocality -- Popular Culture -- Population Geography -- Port-Industrial Complexes -- Positivism/





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