The food safety issue of 2017 Fipronil Eggs Contamination made numerous consumers doubtful about food safety in their daily lives. According to the investigation of Korean government, a total of 52 farms, including the 2 suppliers of a major Korean organic brand, in Korea were found to distribute the pesticide contaminated eggs (Kim, 2017). Although the contaminated eggs were asked by the government to be recalled and discarded, many consumers couldn’t rely on the public food safety. Thus, this research tries to measure the effect of 2017 Fipronil Eggs Contamination on the consumers’ perceived value of organic fresh food, preferred by the advocates of healthy lives and environmental protection. This study used five dimensions, including perceived functional, experiential, symbolic benefits and monetary, non-monetary sacrifices, to measure and to see the differences in the consumers’ perceived value of organic fresh food, shaped by its perceived benefit and perceived sacrifice, with and without the effect of the food safety issue. The result of this research showed that the food safety issue does not influence the consumers’ perceived value of organic fresh food, and the perceived benefit and sacrifice do not always work in opposite ways for this particular category.
2017년 계란 살충제 파동은 소비자들에게 식품 안전에 대한 불신을 안겨주었다. 정부는 문제의 농가에서 공급된 10만개 계란의 유통을 중단했으나, 식품안전에 대한 소비자들의 불신은 극대화 되었으며, 살충제 계란이 검출된 농가 중 2개 농가는 국내 대표 유기농 브랜드의 공급사로 밝혀졌다. 본 연구를 통해 2017년 살충제 계란 파동이 유기농 신선 식품에 대한 소비자 지각 가치에 미친 영향을 파악하여 식품안전 이슈 발생 시 적용 가능한 현실적인 유기농 식품의 타게팅 및 서비스 운영 전략을 제시하고자 한다.