Coal combustion phenomena were studied about one holed anthracite coal briquette. The purpose of this study was to predict the moving reaction profiles. The purpose of this study was to predict the moving reaction profiles, rate of weight loss and exhaust gas concentrations changing with time, respectively.
Unreacted shrinking core model was applied to analyse them theoretically. And the results were compared with the experimental data.
The weight loss and $O_2$ - concentrations were increased with increasing air flow rate, but CO-concentrations were decreased as air flow rate increases.
Under the effective diffusivities of 0.42㎠/sec, the rate of weight loss was sensitive to them, but above the value of 0.58㎠/sec it was inclined to be diverged. The rate of weight loss was independent of increases in gas film reaction constant ($k_2$) and reaction constant at coal surface ($k_{1c}$).