An experimental investigation was conducted on the combustion of gaseous fuel injected normal to a free air stream. Hydrogen was injected transversally at air stream from the porous flat plate.
Measurements of mean velocity and turbulent intensity distribution by using the Laser Doppler Velocimeter and of the mean temperature distribution by thermocouples, were made. Direct and Shadow photographic observation were made to compare combustion field with non reaction flow field.
The obtained results are as follows.
1) It was shown that there was an increasement of main stream direction velocity over all the boundary layer by the combustion. When the fuel ejection velocity was increased, the velocity appearing near the flame front where the gas stream was accelerated especially made high velocity gradient.
2) It was shown that there was a third or fourth decreasement in the turbulent intensity by the combustion. Depression of turbulent energy in the combustion field is considered due to increasing the kinetic viscosity of the gas.
3) The combustion zone increased from 10% of boundary layer thickness to 20% of it as the distance from the leading edge was in the 40mm-80mm section. From the temperature distribution, the phenomena of thermal cracking of hydrogen was observed near the fuel rich side of flame front.