The idea of utilizing the energy in the wind for production of electricity is recently getting much attention in this country, since the research team at Korea Advanced Institute of Science has installed a 2㎾ wind-generator in on island in the west coast for proving that Korea has dependable wind every sources.
This thesis is concerned with the design of the propeller and the pitch control system for a 2㎾ wind-generator.
The review of the output power and efficiency of an ideal windmill is given. The airfoil theory is applied for the propeller design. The expression of the effective diameter and output power are given.
The number of propellers and propeller shapes(width and thickness) are discussed. Design calculations for the propeller of a 2㎾ wind-generator, and for the blades of a typical water pumping windmill are presented in detail. The strength of the designed propeller was tested with swirling wind of maximum speed 40 m/s.
In order to limit propeller RPM to a safe maximum level (200 RPM in this study) the pitch control system is designed using a centrifugally operated feathering system.
Analytical model of the feathering system is proposed, and the dynamic behavior of the feathering system is predicted. The system is mounted on a variable speed motor(maximum power: 15 Hp) and the data were recorded by a high speed camera. Comparison of the theory with the experimental results showed satisfactory agreements.
우리나라에서는 최선 발전하는 데에 바람에너지를 활용하는 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있으며, 한국과학원에서 2kw풍력발전기를 개발하여 서해안의 한 섬에 설치한바 있다.
이 논문은 2kw 풍력발전기의 프로펠러와 그 핏치조정장치의 설계에 관한 것으로서, 이상풍차의 출력과 효율, 익이론등이 적용되었다. 프로펠러수, 익형상 및 익강도가 토론되었으며 2kw 풍력발전기와 양수기풍차의 구체적인 설계가 이루어졌다.
원심력에 의하여 작동되는 프로펠러의 핏치조정장치가 설계되어 이론적인 모형을 만들어서 동력학적인 운동의 해를 구하였다.
이 장치를 변속모-터 (최대출력 15HP)에 의하여 구동하고, 고속카메라 (Model HIMAC, 16HM)를 이용하여 변위와 시간과의 관계를 실측하였으며, 이론적인 계산치와 비교 검토하였다.