Languages for distributed programming and configutation of objects = 분산시스템에서 오브젝트의 프로그래밍과 배치를 위한 언어의 설계
서명 / 저자 Languages for distributed programming and configutation of objects = 분산시스템에서 오브젝트의 프로그래밍과 배치를 위한 언어의 설계 / Jin-Ho Hur.
발행사항 [대전 : 한국과학기술원, 1990].
Online Access 원문보기 원문인쇄





학술문화관(문화관) 보존서고

DCS 9006

휴대폰 전송







Programming in distributed systems is complicated by common traits of distributed systems. A programming system is an integrated system consisting of a programming language, the supportive kernel, and the programming environment. A programming system for distributed computation should address the distribution and parallelism issue. There have been many approaches to build such programming systems. However, we set forth the thesis that the programming system for distributed computation should be defined from an integrated system architecture viewpoint based on a unified model. In this dissertation, we propose as an effort to provide a programming system for distributed computation a programming language and a configuration language based on a uniform object-based computation model. CornerStone is an object oriented language that addresses the parallelism issue based on the notion of cooperating objects. The language embodies notable features in two respects. it distinguishes the inheritance and the subtyping as distinct concepts for the code sharing and the specialization, respectively. It also provides versatile object interaction primitives to coordinate the execution of concurrent objects. Objects programmed in CornerStone reveals that the language is appropriate for medium-grain parallelism. The distribution of the objects in distributed systems is addressed by the configuration language which maps the objects onto capsules. Capsule is an engineering concept for mapping objects onto real distributed systems. A capsule is the basic unit of the resource allocation in the underlying system; Objects in a capsule share resources allocated to the capsule. The capsule concept also bridges the granularity gap between the computation model and the underlying system. These two languages proposed in this dissertation cooperate closely to solve given problems in terms of cooperating objects in distributed systems. These two components would provide the first step toward an integrated programming system based on a uniform object model for distributed computation.


청구기호 {DCS 9006
형태사항 v, 131 p. : 삽화 ; 26 cm
언어 영어
일반주기 Appendix : Definition of cornerstone programming language
저자명의 한글표기 : 허진호
지도교수의 영문표기 : Kil-Nam Chon
지도교수의 한글표기 : 전길남
학위논문 학위논문(박사) - 한국과학기술원 : 전산학과,
서지주기 Reference : p. 123-131
주제 Programming language (Electronic computers)
Electronic data processing --Distributed processing.
분산 시스템. --과학기술용어시소러스
프로그래밍 언어. --과학기술용어시소러스
Object-oriented programming (Computer science)





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