후향 계단에서 재부착하고 재전개하는 2차원 비압축성 흐름 해석 = Analysis for two-dimensional incompressible reattaching and redeveloping flow behind a rearward-facing step
서명 / 저자 후향 계단에서 재부착하고 재전개하는 2차원 비압축성 흐름 해석 = Analysis for two-dimensional incompressible reattaching and redeveloping flow behind a rearward-facing step / 김성초.
발행사항 [서울 : 한국과학기술원, 1989].
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학술문화관(문화관) 보존서고

DAE 8901

휴대폰 전송







The two-dimensional incompressible separated flow downstream of rearward-facing step is investigated analytically. An emphasis is given to the prediction of flow characteristics in the close region of reattachment and the redeveloping boundary layer downstream of reattachment. The streamwise static wall pressure distribution up- and downstream of reattachment point is predicted based upon distribution of potential velocity and displacement thickness confirming the similarity and verified by experimental data. The reattachment length is determined analytically assuming that the flow after reattachment is a kind of wake. And solving the stagnation point flow with the incidence angle to the wall, the dividing streamline reattachment angle of turbulent flow is determined amounting about 20 degree which is verified by measured data. The redeveloping velocity profile downstream of reattachment from its reattachment velocity profile which is similar to that of laminar separation, slowly approaches to the turbulent boundary layer at far downstream. Such redeveloping velocity profile is well presented by modifying Coles' wall and wake law. The confirmation of this modification is checked with experimental data of redeveloping boundary layer downstream of turbulent reattaching flow. The velocity profile close to reattachment is given by 2nd degree of polynomials for y but downstream of reattachment the velocity profile proposed by equation (11) and (12) appears to be proper. And the skin friction is predicted favorably downstream of reattachment. Numerical computation for the two-dimensional laminar channel flow with 1:2 expansion shows the general behaviors of the step-induced separation flow; streamlines, vorticity distribution, pressure distribution and velocity profiles.


청구기호 {DAE 8901
형태사항 xi, 138 p. : 삽화 ; 26 cm
언어 한국어
일반주기 저자명의 영문표기 : Sung-Ch'o Kim
지도교수의 한글표기 : 박승오
공동교수의 한글표기 : 장극
지도교수의 영문표기 : Seung-O Park
공동교수의 영문표기 : Paul-K. Chang
학위논문 학위논문(박사) - 한국과학기술원 : 기계공학과,
서지주기 참고문헌 : p. 77-85
주제 Turbulence.
Numerical analysis.
Skin fiction (Aerodynamics)
경계층 분리. --과학기술용어시소러스
경계층 천이. --과학기술용어시소러스
난류. --과학기술용어시소러스
표면 마찰. --과학기술용어시소러스
비압축성 흐름. --과학기술용어시소러스
Boundary layer.





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