Electrical properties of metal-insulator composites and diffusion in fractal = 도체-부도체 혼합물의 전기전도 특성과 프랙탈에서 확산에 관한 연구
서명 / 저자 Electrical properties of metal-insulator composites and diffusion in fractal = 도체-부도체 혼합물의 전기전도 특성과 프랙탈에서 확산에 관한 연구 / Jae-Woo Lee.
발행사항 [대전 : 한국과학기술원, 1992].
Online Access 원문보기 원문인쇄





학술문화관(문화관) 보존서고

DAP 92019

휴대폰 전송







The a.c. conductivity Σ(ω,θ) and the a.c. dielectric constant ε(ω,θ) near the percolation threshold of carbon black-epoxy bulk composites were measured in the frequence range from 100Hz to 10GHz. The power-law dependence of the a.c. conductivity, $Σ(ω,θ_c)$~ω^x$, was observed at the percolation threshold in the frequency range of test up to 10GHz, but that of the a,c. dielectric constant, ε(ω,θ _c)$ω~^{-y}$, was valid in the bound frequency range of 2KHz-1.5MHz and the three stages variation of the dielectric constant with frequency is apparent at the percolation threshold. The critical exponents x=0.65 ± 0.05 and y=0.26 ± 0.01 obtained in the power-law frequency range are close to the theoretical predictions of intercluster polarization. The critical volume fraction $θ_c$=0.18 obtained at the divergence of dielectric constant is close to that of continuous percolation system. By the transfer matrix simulation we observed the scaling law near the percolation threshold in two dimensional bond percolation. We were rigorously studied the finite size scaling of the conductivity and the frequency dependence of R-C lattice percolation model. Our results are good agreement to the prediction of the scaling theory of the electrical percolation. In greater concentration than the percolation threshold we simulate the d.c. conductivity of two dimensional site percolation by diffusion method. The random walk on the two dimensional gasket fractal has been studied with the various forms of constant bias fields applied using Monte Carlo method. The crossover from anomalous diffusion to drift was observed in the horizontal and upward bias fields while the crossover from anomalous to normal diffusion was found in the downward bias field. The scaling relation $R(B_s,t)~,t^kf(B_st^k)$ was confirmed and the scaling exponent was obtained as β=1.175±0.004 for the horizontal bias field and β=0.319±0.002 for the downward bias field. The random walk in the percolation cluster near the percolation threshold under the application of both the time dependent external field and the static field $B(t)=B_0,+,B_1$ sin ωt shows the nonlinear response at crossover field $B_1^*$. The phase shift of the random walk particle depends on the a.c. field amplitude at low frequency. The strong d.c. external field $B_0$ changes the functional form of the response.


청구기호 {DAP 92019
형태사항 v, 153 p. : 삽화 ; 26 cm
언어 영어
일반주기 Appendix : A, Bruggemmann's EMT. - B, Scattering method of EMT. - C, Cluster labeling method
저자명의 한글표기 : 이재우
지도교수의 영문표기 : Ho-Chul Kim
공동교수의 영문표기 : Jong-Jean Kim
지도교수의 한글표기 : 김호철
공동교수의 한글표기 : 김종진
학위논문 학위논문(박사) - 한국과학기술원 : 물리학과,
서지주기 Reference : p. 137-145
주제 Electric properties.
Metal insulator semiconductors.
전기적 성질. --과학기술용어시소러스
프랙털. --과학기술용어시소러스
확산. --과학기술용어시소러스





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