Customer Relationship Management (CRM) emerged in response to decreasing customer loyalty and increased competition and has been perceived as a critical competitive advantage to companies. However, too many companies lead with technology-driven approach and failed. To achieve success through CRM, there is more to it than technology. Changing business process, allocating resources according to customer strategy, and change management are hence necessary.
This thesis proposes a new CRM measurement framework based on BSC, widely used to diverse domains as a performance measurement and strategy monitoring tool, which can be used to monitor CRM strategy and evaluate its performance. It includes results from previous researches about critical success factors of CRM and focuses on the balancing customer value and customer equity.
In addition, this paper investigates the importance of the components of CRM measurement framework through interviews with the persons who are in charge of CRM in bank and credit card companies.
본 연구는 많은 기업들이 CRM을 도입하였거나 도입 중에 있지만 기대한 효과를 얻고 있는 기업은 상대적으로 적다는 실무적인 문제에 착안하여 CRM전략의 성공적인 실행을 위해 활용할 수 있는 성과측정 Framework을 개발하였다. 성과관리도구로서 다양한 분야에 도입되고 있는 BSC개념을 활용하였고 이전 CRM관련 측정 Framework에서 측정하던 대상을 포함하였다. 또한 장기적인 고객관계의 형성과 유지를 통한 기업가치의 성장이란 CRM 목적을 달성할 수 있도록 기업입장에서의 고객자산가치와 고객입장에서의 고객가치를 균형된 시각에서 볼 수 있도록 기존 BSC의 관점을 수정하여 CRM성과측정 Framework으로서의 관점을 설정하였다.