The Mobile Payment is a brand new service, which comes from the convergence of finance and telecommunications. In the initial stage, it looks rosy but now no one can guarantee its success. The reason is that existing studies focus on the strategy from the perspectives of financial institutes or telecommunications companies. These studies exclude the customers’ viewpoint and they miss the motivation that makes the customer use the service. They also underestimate the obstacle that made the customer hesitate to use the service.
With that background, this paper aims at revealing what is the most salient endogenous variable and how exogenous variables affect endogenous variables. It follows Davis’ Technology Acceptance Model. Selected exogenous variables consist of similar electronic payment experiences and the customers’ innovativeness personality. Ease of use, usefulness and trust are endogenous variables. Exogenous variables affect endogenous ones. Endogenous variables also affect each other. This entire study was accomplished through customer survey. The survey was conducted both online and offline.
As a result of this study, the proven variables were used as strategy variables which can change customers’ behaviors.