The $21^{st}$ century faces unlimited competition. Customers´ demand for enhanced quality and differentiated features increases. In order to meet this need, most companies set goals and put enormous efforts to reach them. Although detailed measures are different from company to company, their main goals are almost identicalㅡto increase productivity and to make innovative quality product. However, in reality, many domestic SI companies face difficulties in staying afloat due to a fiercer competition and decreasing earnings. As a result, many SI companies, thorough TQM(Total Quality Management), attempt to sharpen their competitiveness by shortening a development life cycle, reducing expenses and carrying out efficient process management. A study by Ravichandran and Rai(2000) is different from the existing studies that mainly deal with TQM for manufacturing industry. Their study suggests an assessment model for TQM of information system development. This thesis adopts this Ravichandran and Rai´s framework and conducts a survey to measure the level of TQM of information systems development for Korean SI companies. In addition, this study intends to suggest practical measures for consistent enhancement of SI quality through case studies.