Sensor network consists of a large number of sensor nodes that are densely deployed either inside the phenomenon or very close to it. The life time of each node in the sensor network significantly affects the life time of whole sensor network. A node which drained out its battery may incur the partition of whole network in some network topology. The life time of each node depends on the battery capacity of each node. Therefore if all sensor nodes in the network live evenly long, the life time of the network will be longer.
In this paper, we propose Cluster-Based Power-Efficient Routing (CBPER) Protocol which provides scalable and efficient data delivery to multiple mobile sinks. In CBPER, we use the fach that sensor nodes are stationary and location-aware to construct and maintain the grid structures. We have evaluated CBPER performance with TTDD. Our results show that CBPER is more power-efficient routing protocol than TTDD.