South Korea has drawn great attention with its rapid growth in the telecommunications service industry, especially in the areas of mobile phone service, braodband Internet access service, and wireless Internet service. However, there are more cases for telecommunications services failure. The success has a seamy side to it. This phenomenon will continue to be an issue as new telecommunications services are continually introduced and market competitions get fiercer. Evolution from fixed to mobile, convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications service, globalization of market and competition, M&As and alliances are important driving forces for this trend. In this respect, more and more service failures are expected. Therefore, it is very important to identify determinant factors for service successes and failures.
In this thesis, based on the review of related literatures, four critical success factors are derived; strategy related factors, organizational factors, development process factors, and market related factors. The relationship between these four factors and new service performance are examined from the survey of 60 telecommunications service cases in South Korea. The main objective of this thesis is to identify determinant factors to success and failure of South Korean telecommunications market and apply the understanding to the New Service Development Process.