In general, helicopter rotor noise sources are classified as belonging to one of two categories, discrete or broadband. One of the helicopter rotor broadband noise is due to pressure fluctuations in turbulent boundary layer. In order to predict the broadband rotor noise, the thickness of turbulent boundary layer on the blade along the spanwise direction should be obtained. In this thesis, instead of 3D calculation, sectional turbulent boundary layers are calculated. The numerical boundary conditions on the 2D calculation are imposed with the flow quantities obtained from 3D free-wake method. Third order ENO(Essentially Non-Oscillatory) scheme is used to solve the 2D N-S equations with Spalart-Allmaras turbulent model. Calculated pressure distributions on the blade show good agreements with 3D experiment data. Empirical formulae for broadband noise with sectional boundary layer thickness are used for the rotor noise prediction. The broadband rotor noise spectra of rotor noise are compared with experiment results that were measured in the DNW, which are good agreements especially in the high frequency ranges.