탄화 규소의 산화와 고온 부식에 미치는 알루미나와 이트리아 소결 조제의 영향 = The effects of alumina and yttria as sintering aids on the oxidation and hot corrosion of silicon carbide
서명 / 저자 탄화 규소의 산화와 고온 부식에 미치는 알루미나와 이트리아 소결 조제의 영향 = The effects of alumina and yttria as sintering aids on the oxidation and hot corrosion of silicon carbide / 박성철.
발행사항 [대전 : 한국과학기술원, 1997].
Online Access 원문보기 원문인쇄





학술문화관(문화관) 보존서고

MMS 97012

휴대폰 전송







Oxidation and hot corrosion of hot-pressed SiC containing either $Al_2O_3$ or $Y_2O_3$ were investigated. For oxidation experiment, specimens hot pressed at 2050℃ were oxidized at the temperatures between 1000 and 1500℃ up to 50hr in a static air atmosphere. The weight gain of the SiC hot-pressed with $Y_2O_3$ additive was higher than that of the SiC hot-pressed with $Al_2O_3$ additive. The diffusion of yttrium ion from grain boundary to surface and the formation of yttrium silicate compound enhanced the weight gain of SiC hot-pressed with $Y_2O_3$ additive, but the formation of mullite in SiC hot-pressed with $Al_2O_3$ additive appeared to retard the diffusion of oxygen and the weight gain of SiC hot-pressed with $Al_2O_3$ additive. For hot corrosion experiments, specimens hot pressed at 2050℃ were coated with $Na_2SO_4$ and corroded at 1000℃ up to 8hr in a static air atmosphere. X-ray diffraction result showed that the intensity of the cristobalite peak of SiC hot-pressed with $Y_2O_3$ additive was higher than that of SiC hot-pressed with $Al_2O_3$ additive. This result suggests that $Y_2O_3$ promotes the crystallization of $SiO_2$ in the melt formed during the hot corrosion process. Since the diffusion of oxygen through cristobalite is slower than that of oxygen through melt, it was expected that the weight gain of SiC hot-pressed with $Al_2O_3$ additive was higher than that of SiC hot-pressed with $Y_2O_3$ additive. however, the weight gain of SiC hot-pressed with $Al_2O_3$ additive was similiar to that of SiC hot-pressed with $Y_2O_3$ additive. The formation of silicate compound via the reaction of $SiO_2$, oxygen, and yttrium diffused out to surface was responsible for relatively high weight gain of SiC hot-pressed with $Y_2O_3$ additive. Four-point bending test results revealed 12% strength degradation after hot corrosion experiment in the case of SiC hot-pressed with $Y_2O_3$ additive and 35% strength degradation in the case of SiC hot-pressed with $Al_2O_3$ additive. This difference resulted from relatively large pits of SiC hot-pressed with $Al_2O_3$ additive.


청구기호 {MMS 97012
형태사항 iv, 82 p. : 삽화 ; 26 cm
언어 한국어
일반주기 부록 수록
저자명의 영문표기 : Sung-Chul Park
지도교수의 한글표기 : 조건
지도교수의 영문표기 : Kurn Cho
학위논문 학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 재료공학과,
서지주기 참고문헌 : p. 74-78





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