Pd 기지 위에 전착된 순수한 Pd, Pd-Ni 및 Pd-Au 합금층을 통한 수소 투과에 대한 연구 = An investigation of the hydrogen transport through electrodeposited pure Pd, Pd-Ni and Pd-Au alloys on Pd substrate
서명 / 저자 Pd 기지 위에 전착된 순수한 Pd, Pd-Ni 및 Pd-Au 합금층을 통한 수소 투과에 대한 연구 = An investigation of the hydrogen transport through electrodeposited pure Pd, Pd-Ni and Pd-Au alloys on Pd substrate / 이우진.
발행사항 [대전 : 한국과학기술원, 1996].
Online Access 원문보기 원문인쇄





학술문화관(문화관) 보존서고

MMS 96036

휴대폰 전송







In the present work, hydrogen transport through electrodeposited pure Pd, Pd-Ni and Pd-Au alloys on Pd substrate has been investigated by using ac-impedance method combined with an electrochemical hydrogen permeation technique in 0.1 M NaOH solution at room temperature. The electrodeposited pure Pd, Pd-Ni and Pd-Au alloys were obtained from ammoniacal and cyanide baths by applying pulse current. The ac-impedance measurements were carried out in the potential range of -0.75 to -0.95 $V_{SCE}$ applied to the cathodic side of the electrodeposits after the hydrogen permeation achieved a steady-state. The hydrogen diffusivities in the electrodeposits were obtained by using time lag method for the bilayer. The measured impedance spectra were analyzed as a function of applied potential in order to determine such kinetic parameters as hydrogen charge transfer resistance ($R_{ct}$), diffusivity and equilibrium absorption constant ($K_{eq}$) of hydrogen by using complex non-linear least squares (CNLS) curve fitting method on the basis of Faradaic admittance for hydrogen absorption and diffusion. The variation in $R_{ct}$ for hydrogen on the electrodeposits was explained in terms of the hydrogen overvoltage and surface roughness. From relatively low values of the hydrogen diffusivity in the electrodeposited Pd alloys as compared to those in the Pd membrane and electrodeposited pure Pd, it seems that the thin $Ni(OH)_2$ layer on the electrodeposited Pd-Ni alloy and the increased interaction between Pd and H in the presence of Au in the electrodeposited Pd-Au alloy act as a barrier for hydrogen diffusion. Also, from the applied potential dependence of $K_{eq}$ for the electrodeposits, it is suggested that the alloying elements of Ni and Au impede the formation of β-phase palladium hydride on the surfaces of the electrodeposited Pd alloys.


청구기호 {MMS 96036
형태사항 49 p. : 삽화 ; 26 cm
언어 한국어
일반주기 저자명의 영문표기 : Woo-Jin Lee
지도교수의 한글표기 : 변수일
지도교수의 영문표기 : Su-Il Pyun
학위논문 학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 재료공학과,
서지주기 참고문헌 : p. 42-46





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