The purpose of this study is to identify characteristics of defense software acquisition and to analyze the relationship between characteristics of defense software acquisition and system performance.
Based on the review of the relevant literatures, six characteristics of defense software acquisition were identified. The model specifying the relationship between characteristics of defense software acquisition and system performance was established. Also 8 hypotheses were derived from it.
The hypotheses were tested empirically with 37 available data from the Korean Army through interviews and questionnaires.
Correlation analysis, Fisher's Z test, regression analysis were employed to test the hypotheses, and multiple regression analysis was conducted for further analyses. The major findings of this study were as follows :
ⅰ) System performance, measured by user satisfaction, is positively correlated with five characteristics of defense software acquisition such as contract process, requirement analysis process, test process, user characteristics, and supplier characteristics.
ⅱ) Characteristics of user are most important factor for system performance in the Korean Army.
ⅲ) The relationship between characteristics of defense software acquisition and system performance is different by acquisition type(buy or development) and the degree of work structuredness.
Further analysis also supported the moderating effect of the degree of work structuredness on the relationship between characteristics of defense software acquisition and system performance.
Implications and further research directions are drawn for the effective management of defense software acquisition were drawn and the directions for further research on activating computer mind in the Korean Army were suggested.